Monday, September 6, 2010

Trip to the Kings Tomb

This past weekend thanks to the efforts of Jen Wilder I was able to meet up with a bunch of the other native English teachers and go hiking. Also Hiking up a mountain is NOTHING LIKE NORTH CAROLINA! Haha I had a great sweaty time. We also managed to pick the hottest sunniest day that there has been in the last 2 weeks to go! So after we scaled the mountain We find all sorts of playgrounds. In the middle of nowhere. At the top of a mountain. Pretty silly and I am sure if I had more breath I would have laughed more. But here is one of the videos I took of these crazy playgrounds.

This is totally the best way to tire a kid out - make them scale a mountain and then play on what essentially is exercise equipment!

So after our mountain expedition we end up at this awesome park called Deer Park ( though why it is called that I would never be able to tell you. I have never seen a deer here and I am not so sure the locals have either) But the park is beautiful and really quite serene.

We then made the much needed stop at a little mart that was just across from the Kings Tomb I think that lady made her monthly living off of us with how thirsty we were!

So here is a bit about the story behind the Kings Tomb. The tomb is of a 17 year old king named Danjong Jangneung who ascended the throne when he was 14, however he was too young ans weak to rule therefore always had advisors. Eventually His uncle, Suyangdaegun got sick of this and overthrew him and sent him into exile. 3 years later there was talk of an uprising in the rightful king's favor, and hearing such his uncle forced him to commit suicide by poisoning ( I am not so certain how that worked) But he is a bit of the town's proud history and many people go to visit his grave for good luck. There is also a festival in April in his honor.

This is the waterfall infront of the Museum of Photography in my town. And  realized this after but there are light embedded in the wall behind the water that turn on a dusk and are a representation of the constellations. We didn't stick around to see them in their full glory but it is pretty neat that they are there in the first place.

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